
Vincent is a 2 year old male American Bully. He has settled in to become a loving and trusting boy. Everybody who has met him has said what a good and handsome boy he is. He likes people, food, walking especially in the woods, and sleeping.

Vincent is very responsive to treats unless very distracted or being stubborn. He doesn’t like getting into the car – more work is required, but travels very well once in. He can easily jump onto the kitchen worktop, although has only done this twice whilst settling in.

Vincent is leaving food out on the side is not a good idea, even if placed well out of reach of jumping up. He is well-behaved at night.

Vincent likes sitting and sleeping in his crate but hates being locked in and might be a reaction to being in kennels – more work required. He likes a short game of fetch, but will only give the toy back if he wants.

Vincent doesn’t listen well on recall, especially in the garden – more work is required. Can be clumsy with his size and teeth, but no signs of aggression at all.

Vincent has occasionally become over-amorous when playing (directed at carers) and we are learning how to control this without it being seen as encouragement! Neutering will almost certainly help him once he’s settled.

Vincent doesn’t like the muzzle at all – training has begun, but more work is required. No signs of aggression towards dogs when we took him out, have sat at a cafe with him with other dogs and he has gotten to know a couple of family dogs.

Vincent is not tested with dogs visiting the home, but hoping to get the chance to try this. He has had two visits to the vets and has been friendly to all, allowing himself to be examined and generally being a very charming boy.

Vincent didn’t enjoy having a shower but accepted it well. Had a skin issue when we got him, maybe stress from kennels but we have also put him on grain-free and sensitive food in case this helps and either way it seems to be clearing up.

Vincent doesn’t pull particularly when loose-lead walking or on extended lead. He seems to respond well to the command “wait for me” and is learning “stop”.

However, will stop and refuse to move if he wants to go a different route. Also, will do this when street-walking if he wants to stop somewhere and sniff. We use his harness to move him on when we have to which he accepts and it works well.

Vincent doesn’t walk to heel when street walking. He likes to lead and will unhelpfully zigzag across in front of you at will. He is a strong boy and the head collar helps.


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