
Riley is a 3 year old male German Shepherd cross, currently in Cyprus.

Riley he is the longest resident at the pound, a dog who has watched all his friends come and go but never experiencing freedom himself.

Riley is dog friendly and loves of children, he was dumped at the pound at the age of 1 probably because he was no longer a puppy and no longer wanted.

He has been there ever since, Riley is 3 years old and longing to belong to a family one that will love him as much as the rescuer’s do.

Are you the that special family/couple/single person who can offer Riley a home and give him everything he deserves and dreams of.

Riley can be homed with children aged 10 plus purely because he is a large dog, he will need a garden and can happily live with another dog or dogs, he isn’t cat tested unfortunately so a home without cats is best.

Riley is so smart and just wants to please. He is very affectionate and would make such a wonderful, loyal companion and friend if given the chance.

Stronger Together Animal Rescue

Stronger Together Animal Rescue

For further details about adopting a dog from Stronger Together Animal Rescue, please contact the rescue by emailing adoption@staradopt.org

All dogs rehomed via this rescue will be vaccinated, neutered/spayed and microchipped. Home checks apply and full post adoption support is offered.

Articles: 289


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