
Please meet Tiddly Tot! Tot is a gorgeous little male Norfolk terrier that turns 5 in September this year. Tot was saved from the Chinese meat market by Harbin rescue.

Yes, dogs are food in China, if you don’t know the meat markets are absolutely evil and the treatment the dogs get and the things they have seen are nothing short of hell.

Little Tot is one of the lucky ones and has come to us in the UK to find his forever home. If you are not aware, there are no animal welfare laws in China so no dog is ever safe there, which is why the dogs are sent overseas to be rehomed, to make sure they are safe and loved for life!

Tot was initially quite bewildered when he arrived in foster with us, but that is totally understandable given he had a 14 hour flight followed by a few hours drive, although all he wanted was to have a snuggle with me, its very easy to fall in love with this adorable little lad. I mean, just look at him!

Tot is a beautiful little lad and will make a very rewarding addition to his new family. Poor little Tot’s world was turned upside down when he arrived with us, but despite that, he just wanted to be loved. He has settled well into our routine and loves pack life, once he likes you, he follows you everywhere and just loves to be cuddled. He is very typical of the breed, extremely loving and loyal and bonds very quickly to his people.

Tot is neutered, microchipped, de flead and wormed and fully vaccinated.

Tot is house trained walks well on the lead once he is confident with you, he is not destructive and can be left for short periods, He loves to be left snoozing on my bed and is often snuggled up with the cat! He is a very social little lad so could live with other dogs or would be equally happy as the only dog with lots of human company!

Tot is adorable both inside and out, and to think he almost ended up on someone’s plate is just heartbreaking. Tot doesn’t have much experience of children so would be best suited to an adult only home where his humans can dote on him. He is also absolutely fine with cats.

Tot is an inquisitive and responsive little lad, quick to learn and easy to train, He loves his home comforts and a cuddle, and likes to sleep on the bed with you if he is allowed, basically, he is a little snuggle bug.

Tot travels very well in the car, he is just an all round pleasure to have. Whoever adopts this little lad will be very lucky indeed as he really has the most amazing character, and I am sure he is grateful to be out of China and just want to love his humans.

Can you offer this beautiful little Tot the home he so desperately deserves?


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