
SC Pet Food Solutions located in Saluda County South Carolina has been fined $20,000 for polluting area streams.

From Yahoo News: “One large creek below the pet food plant — Mine Creek — was coated in a pea green slime and carried an odor that neighbors said was nauseating. Before the scum formed, the water had turned black, residents said.”

Image source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/stinky-dark-discharges-drained-pet-110000296.html

The Pet Food Solutions plant, in the tiny Ward community of Saluda County, is a large factory that processes byproducts from chicken processing plants to make protein meal for pet food.”

From Google Earth, below is this pet food ingredient plant (SC Pet Food Solutions):

And a close up of the above image – where raw materials appear to be dumped onto the ground (soon to be chicken meal):

This poultry meal/chicken meal plant dumps raw meat material on the ground, and has raw meat material sitting in open unrefrigerated trailers. (This would NOT be acceptable in any human food product or human grade pet food.)

The hypocrisy.

This company was fined for polluting the environment, but because state and federal regulatory agencies allow it – it is acceptable for the source of the environmental pollution (raw pet food ingredients) to be dumped on the ground, exposed to weather/pests/contaminants, decompose…and then be processed into pet foods.

What is not allowed to be disposed of in the environment IS allowed to be disposed of into pet food – with no warning or disclosure to pet food consumers.

Pet Owners deserve to be informed to what they are purchasing. In July 2022, we submitted a Citizen Petition to FDA evidencing why federal law supports disclosure of illegal waste ingredients not processed or handled per food safety requirements (feed grade) on pet food labels. Almost 2 years later, the FDA has not responded.

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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