
Pixie, a five-week-old puppy, stumbled into someone’s yard in dire condition. At only four pounds, she bore the marks of severe Demodex mange, a skin infection that appeared to have burned her. The condition was so intense that it led Pixie to scratch incessantly, resulting in painful scabs and sores covering her body. Alarmed by the puppy’s plight, the homeowner promptly contacted animal control. This act of concern marked the beginning of Pixie’s road to recovery, initiating her path toward healing and eventually finding a safer and healthier life.


Pixie’s foster mom, Daphne, took her in and immediately gave her a medicated bath in her kitchen sink. As the scabs and wounds began to heal, Pixie looked bald before her fur came in. At such a young age, she needed to learn social skills from other dogs, and Daphne’s pup Elliot became her closest companion.


Elliot and Pixie had similar beginnings. Elliot was also found alone as a stray and had to work hard to grow up big and healthy. Daphne’s pups taught Elliot how to be a dog. They were patient with him and made him feel welcome. Elliot took on the same role for Pixie, helping her learn social cues and bringing out her puppy energy.

Despite her small size, Pixie had no fear and quickly bonded with the pack. She was a quick learner and became an affectionate and outgoing puppy. After about a week or two, her condition began to improve, and new hair started to poke through her skin. She soon transformed into a “peach fuzz puppy” and eventually grew a beautiful brindle coat.


After about six weeks with Daphne, Pixie was ready for adoption. It was difficult for Daphne to give her up, but she knew that fostering was worth it to see the incredible transformation. Pixie quickly found the perfect family and has grown into a happy, healthy dog.

We are elated that Pixie recovered and found her forever with a family who will cherish her. This story reminds us that fostering is an essential part of dog rescue. Without people like Daphne, dogs like Pixie would perish in shelters. Please consider opening your heart and home to a foster pet. They need us!

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