
Male Chinese Shar-Pei Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of male Chinese Shar-Pei from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Chinese Shar-Pei’s growth.

Age (Months/Years) Average Weight (lbs) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
0-1 4-10 1.8-4.5 6-9 15-23
2 10-20 4.5-9 9-11 23-28
3 15-30 6.8-13.6 11-13 28-33
4 20-35 9-15.9 12-14 30-36
5 25-40 11.3-18.1 13-15 33-38
6 30-45 13.6-20.4 14-16 36-41
7-12 35-55 15.9-24.9 15-18 38-46
2 years 45-60 20.4-27.2 18-20 46-51
3 years 45-60 20.4-27.2 18-20 46-51

Female Chinese Shar-Pei Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of female Chinese Shar-Pei from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Chinese Shar-Pei’s growth.

Age (Months/Years) Average Weight (lbs) Average Weight (kg) Average Height (inches) Average Height (cm)
0-1 3-9 1.4-4.1 5-8 13-20
2 8-18 3.6-8.2 8-10 20-25
3 12-25 5.4-11.3 10-12 25-30
4 16-30 7.3-13.6 11-13 28-33
5 20-35 9-15.9 12-14 30-36
6 25-40 11.3-18.1 13-15 33-38
7-12 30-50 13.6-22.7 14-17 36-43
2 years 40-55 18.1-24.9 17-19 43-48
3 years 40-55 18.1-24.9 17-19 43-48

These tables are based on general guidelines and can vary greatly depending on individual dogs. Always consult with a veterinarian or professional breeder for more specific information about your pet’s growth and development.

FAQs about a Chinese Shar-Pei Puppy’s Growth and Development

1. How fast will my Chinese Shar-Pei puppy grow?

Your Chinese Shar-Pei puppy will grow rapidly during the first six months, with the growth rate slowing down as they approach their first birthday. This breed typically reaches close to their adult height by about 10-12 months old but may continue to fill out in muscle and fat until about 2 years of age.

2. What should I feed my Shar-Pei puppy to ensure proper growth?

Feed your Shar-Pei puppy a high-quality puppy food that is appropriate for their size and breed type. Look for foods that are rich in proteins and specifically formulated for medium-sized breeds. It’s also important to maintain proper feeding portions to avoid overfeeding, which can lead to obesity.

3. How much should a 3-month-old Shar-Pei weigh?

A 3-month-old Chinese Shar-Pei typically weighs between 15 to 30 pounds (6.8 to 13.6 kg). Keep track of your puppy’s weight and consult your vet to ensure they are growing at a healthy rate, as excessive weight gain can stress developing bones and joints.

4. How tall should a 6-month-old Shar-Pei be?

At 6 months, a Shar-Pei puppy should be around 14 to 16 inches (36 to 41 cm) in height. They will continue to grow in height for a few more months, though the majority of their height is gained by this age.

5. Is there a difference in growth rate between male and female Shar-Peis?

Yes, male Shar-Peis typically grow larger and heavier than their female counterparts. Males also tend to reach their full size slightly later than females, who may mature faster physically but reach a smaller final size.

6. What are common growth issues in Shar-Peis?

Chinese Shar-Pei puppies can be prone to certain growth-related issues such as hip dysplasia and patellar luxation. Ensuring a diet with the correct balance of nutrients, particularly calcium and phosphorus, and avoiding excessive exercise can help mitigate these risks.

7. How can I tell if my Shar-Pei is overweight?

Check if you can feel your Shar-Pei’s ribs without a thick layer of fat over them, and look for a visible waist when viewed from above. An overweight puppy may have no waist and a rounded abdomen, which can be harmful to their health as they grow.

8. When do Shar-Peis stop growing?

Shar-Peis generally stop growing in height by about 12-18 months but can continue to gain weight and muscle until they are about 2 years old. Their growth plates typically close by 18 months, which marks the end of height growth.

9. How many times a day should I feed my Shar-Pei puppy?

It’s recommended to feed your Shar-Pei puppy three to four times a day up until they are six months old. After six months, you can reduce feeding to twice a day. This helps manage growth and energy levels and aids in better digestion.

10. What are the signs of a healthy growing Shar-Pei puppy?

A healthy Shar-Pei puppy should have a good energy level, a glossy coat, clear eyes, and be responsive and interested in their environment. Regular, consistent growth and a good appetite are also signs of healthy development.

11. Can over-exercise affect my Shar-Pei’s growth?

Yes, over-exercising a growing Shar-Pei puppy can lead to joint and bone problems. Stick to moderate exercise, like short walks and light play, to keep their development on track without putting undue stress on their body.

12. What should I do if my puppy isn’t growing at the expected rate?

If your Shar-Pei isn’t growing as expected, consult your veterinarian. They can assess whether your puppy’s growth rate is a concern and advise on diet changes, health issues, or genetic factors affecting their growth.

13. How can genetics influence my Shar-Pei’s growth?

Genetics play a significant role in the growth of your Shar-Pei. The size of their parents and genetic health conditions like those affecting joints and bones can influence both the size and health of your puppy as they grow.

14. What health checks are important during my puppy’s first year?

Regular health checks are crucial during your puppy’s first year. These should include vaccinations, parasite control, and screenings for common breed-specific issues such as skin disorders and eye conditions, alongside checks for proper growth and development.

15. How do I measure my Shar-Pei’s height correctly?

To measure your Shar-Pei’s height, have them stand squarely. Measure from the ground to the highest point of the shoulders (the withers). Use a level tool to ensure accuracy, especially as this breed can squirm a bit during measuring.

16. Is my Shar-Pei’s wrinkled skin a factor in measuring their weight and height?

While their wrinkles don’t significantly impact weight and height measurements, ensure that your puppy is not carrying excess weight which can sometimes be disguised by their loose skin. Regular vet check-ups can help ensure their growth is on track.

17. What complications can arise from improper nutrition in my Shar-Pei?

Improper nutrition can lead to several health issues in Shar-Peis, including obesity, developmental orthopedic diseases like hip dysplasia, and even skin conditions. Ensure balanced nutrition that meets all their developmental needs.

18. Should I use growth charts for dogs to track my Shar-Pei’s growth?

While generic dog growth charts can provide a rough guideline, breed-specific growth charts like the ones provided above for Shar-Peis are more accurate. They account for the unique growth patterns of the breed.

19. Can a Shar-Pei be underweight, and what are the signs?

Yes, a Shar-Pei can be underweight. Signs include visible ribs, hips, and spine with no discernible fat, lack of energy, and a dull, dry coat. If you suspect your puppy is underweight, consult your veterinarian for advice on adjusting their diet.

20. What role does exercise play in my Shar-Pei’s overall growth and health?

Exercise is important for your Shar-Pei’s overall health, promoting cardiovascular fitness, maintaining healthy weight, and strengthening muscles and bones. However, it should be balanced with their age and physical capabilities to avoid stress on their developing bodies.


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