
From a young age, my family have always enjoyed companionship of rescue German Shepherds. Growing up in a household where four-legged friends were not just pets but cherished family members, I loved coming home from school to cuddle up with our dogs. The German Shepherd we rescued while I was in High School was a particular favorite of mine. While we were still looking for a new pup to join our home, I said wanted to name our new dog Sadie. My parents insisted that you name a dog once you have met them, and we hadn’t identified a dog yet. Yet within a day of my original name suggestion, I found a German Sheperd, already named Sadie, at a local shelter. Obviously, it was meant to be!

We were told that she surrendered due to aggressive behavior with the family. But within a few days of knowing her it was clear to see she was in an environment with limited access to exercise and wasn’t getting the direction, enrichment, and companionship she needed. She took to our family immediately and was nothing but loving towards us. She wasn’t even able to go up the stairs at first, at a year old, no one had ever taught her how to use the stairs. Sweet Sadie loved her family – but she was particular about her friends and tended to be intimidating toward people as they came into our house. We worked with her regularly on socialization and interactions with people and dogs inside and outside the home. She taught me the value and meaning of investing time and love into the training and transition of your four-legged friends. Working with her and seeing how far she was able to come with love and patience taught me the value of compassion and responsibility. Sadie shows just one example of the types of challenges that rescue animals overcome – each with their unique stories of resilience, demonstrating the importance of giving second chances and offering love unconditionally.

When the time came for me to give back to the community it seemed natural to extend my love for dogs. Lucky Dog stood out, thanks to the glowing recommendations from friends and neighbors who had witnessed the incredible work this organization was doing in our community. It was clear that Lucky Dog Rescue was an integrated part of the local community, regularly holding events right down the street, and adopting thousands of animals each year. It seemed like something I could dip my toe into for volunteering, but I quickly became involved in multiple roles and began to really love seeing the connections between our dogs, fosters, adopters, and staff.

In less than a year I have already had the opportunity to see the impact of the organization through the fosters and adoptions I have been a part of. Of course – the one that sticks out in my mind is a GSD who was returned for behavioral concerns. I recognized some of the patterns in her behavior – they reminded me of the experience we had with Sadie. After fostering her for a few days it was easy to see that she was super smart and needed a structured and loving environment where she would be given the appropriate training and enrichment. I was able to connect her with an awesome adopter who, with time, patience, and training, has engaged and socialized her in many ways so she was able to successfully integrate into the family. Again – just one example where a dog, with the right family, can really blossom and be their happiest self!

My journey with Lucky Dog Rescue has been awesome! It has been so rewarding to be a vital part of the team, helping connect dogs with loving, local families. My journey from growing up with rescue dogs to volunteering with Lucky Dog is a testament to the impact that patience, love, and time can have for a rescue dog and in turn the rewarding impact they can have for the volunteers and the family that brings them home.


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